Tamarack traffic calming webpage map
Tamarack traffic calming map

At a glance

  • Due to the traffic safety emergency, the city expedited several improvements along Tamarack Avenue designed to slow down traffic and encourage safer behaviors, whether you're driving, biking or walking.
  • The city worked with the community to determine traffic calming measures between Skyline Road and Adams Street, which could be implemented quickly and at lower costs. 
  • Two speed tables and three raised crosswalks were installed to reduce speeding and enhance pedestrian safety. 
  • Tamarack Avenue was also resurfaced and restriped to help reduce speeding and create more room and buffers for people who bike and walk. 
  • City staff remain available to discuss specific concerns you may have along Tamarack or elsewhere. Email traffic@carlsbadca.gov
Traffic calming measures
“Transformative Corridor” plan
Public input
Past actions


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