Robertson Ranch: A walk through 3 parks
Thursday, Feb. 15, 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Virtual meeting (via Zoom)
Register online
Last year, the city gathered community feedback on ideas for Carlsbad’s newest park, Robertson Ranch Park, located at the corner of El Camino Real and Cannon Road. The project team is seeking feedback on three different concepts at two community meetings and through an online survey.
Participate in group discussions about the park design concepts, ask questions and provide feedback.
- Meet and speak with the park design team.
- Learn how they took inspiration from Carlsbad’s natural landscape to create designs that reflect the community’s priorities.
- Ask questions, share ideas and let us know where we got it right and what you would like to change.
Based on other park planning processes, the final design usually ends up being a combination of the favorite elements of each design.
To request reasonable accommodations to participate in the workshop, please call 442-339-5352 (voice), 711 (free relay service for TTY users) at least 72 hours in advance to discuss accessibility needs.