appTechnology has become integral to nearly every aspect of city operations and the services we provide to our community. The city's award-winning IT Department oversees the city's use of technology, ensuring our investments are strategic and lead to the very best possible experience for those we serve and an efficiently run local government. 

Download our Carlsbad Connects app and access dozens of other online services today. 

Free public computers and Wi-Fi

Total 9 facilities found.

Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program

The Strategic Digital Transformation Investment Program is a comprehensive approach to planning for and funding digital transformation efforts throughout the city. See our plan, which is updated annually during the development of the annual budget. 

SB272 - Catalog of Enterprise Systems

The California Public Records act, as amended by Senate Bill No. 272, requires the City of Carlsbad to disclose a list of the enterprise systems that the agency uses to collect data on individuals.