The Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District Board is made up of seven members, three from the largest hotel operators in the city, holding permanent seats, and four selected to represent a cross-section of the remaining Carlsbad hotel industry. All members are appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the City Council.

Proposed Management District Plan 2023

On Feb. 7, 2023, the City Council adopted a resolution of intention to form a Tourism Business Improvement District under the Property and Business Improvement Law of 1994. This action would provide a structural change to the CTBID, but would NOT result in any assessment increase. The proposed Management District Plan provides information and guidance for the new CTBID.


Duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Make recommendations to the City Council on the expenditure of revenues derived from the levy of assessments pursuant to this district.
  • Present an annual report to the City Council for each fiscal year for which assessments are to be levied and collected in accordance with Streets and Highways Code sections 36500 et seq.
  • Manage the operation of the CTBID for the benefit of the hotel industry.

Source: Carlsbad Municipal Code, Chapter 3.37.100.

Watch meetings Past materials Past meetings


Agendas and supporting materials for the next meeting and meetings over the last three months are linked below. Materials for meetings taking place before that are available on our online public records portal. 

How to participate

Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District meetings can be watched online.

How to comment

  • In writing: Email your comments to Please indicate the agenda item number in your email subject line. Emails received by 11 a.m. will be provided to the Carlsbad Tourism Business Improvement District prior to the start of the meeting. Other comments will be included with the meeting record. Emailed comments will not be read out loud during the meeting.

Tourism grant program information

The CTBID grant program is now being administered by Visit Carlsbad. Please email for grant program information and application.

Annual reports

Financial reports