The best way to determine the property lines is to have the property lines professionally surveyed. However, before you hire a professional surveyor, you can contact Land Development Engineering at 442-339-2750 to access the subdivision map and construction plans that pertain to your property. The map will identify property line dimensions and construction plans may provide a reference locations which can be a helpful tool when determining the location of your property lines.
What is “right-of-way,” and when do I need a right-of-way permit?
Right-of-way is any public street, sidewalk, easement, or similar public property owned or controlled by the city and dedicated to public use. If any work is performed or any materials stored within the city’s right-of-way, you will need a right-of-way permit.
Are dumpsters allowed in the street?
No. Dumpsters are not allowed in the paved street section or allowed on sidewalks. If you would like to place a dumpster within a street right-of-way (not within the paved street section or blocking a sidewalk), you will need to obtain a right-of-way permit. For more information about the variety of options available to rent, trash service is provided by Republic Services.
How do I obtain a right-of-way permit?
To obtain a right-of-way permit, please fill out the application and traffic control plan. These applications can be submitted via email or in person at the city offices located at 1635 Faraday Avenue.
How do I find out where the right-of-way is on my street?
Most right-of-way is 10 feet back from the face of the curb. However, to verify, please visit the Land Development Engineering’s counter during regular business hours: Monday through Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and on Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. You can also call our front counter staff at 442-339-2750.
How do I find the soils report for my property?
Most soils reports are available through the city’s public records access page. If you do not have success online, please call 442-339-2750 or visit the Land Development Engineering counter during regular business hours: Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
How do I access records, such as plans and reports for my property?
The city’s public records access page allows you to search for a wide range of documents including soil/drainage reports, transportation and development reports. The system is also a great tool for researching the city’s subdivision maps and drawings.
Do I need a grading permit?
Per the grading and drainage ordinance of the municipal code, you may need a grading permit if you meet any of the following criteria:
Proposed cut or fill exceeding 200 cubic yards.
Cut or fill material exceeding four feet in vertical depth.
Fill placed on an existing slope which is steeper than five horizontal units to one vertical unit.
Clearing and grubbing of previously undisturbed land or land not cultivated for five years for the purposed of conducting agricultural operations.
If you meet any of the above criteria, you should contact the Land Development Engineering division at 442-339-2750 for further information.
The best way to determine static water pressure is to use a pressure gauge that threads on to a hose bib. Otherwise, to get a rough estimate of your static water pressure, calculate the approximate static pressure by subtracting the elevation above sea level from the hydraulic grade line (upstream tank elevation) and multiply the difference by 0.433. To determine the hydraulic grade line, contact the Land Development Engineering division.